Bolle’s Köche - Alt-Moabit 99, 10559 Berlin
+ 49 30 3992 0791en

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Yearly Archives: 2018


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Culinary options

BOLLE'S Portfolio

We offer catering that is completely tailored to your individual preferences and the unique character of your event. Be inspired by our wide range of options:

Live Cooking

Your guests are very close to our team and the food, which is prepared directly on site.

Bowl Lunch

Perfect for your business catering, like a business card, professional, organized and effective.

View sample BOWL Lunch >

Bar Catering

Specially created drinks with and without alcohol and coordinated snacks. Little things that become special.

View sample bar catering >


Classic or flying buffet, rethought – depending on the course of your event or exhibition.

View sample buffet >


A seated dinner in gala style served in individual courses.

View sample menu >


Walking around with several themed areas and live cooking stations as an impressive speciality for your event.


Small bites for receptions, exhibitions, product presentations, conferences or breaks.

Crew Catering

Where your team performs at its best, we do too.
With an energising and healthy buffet, snack or finger food.

Welcome snack

Small snack or light appetiser for gatherings of various types.

We will be happy to advise you!

We are happy to help you find the right catering options for your event. Please feel free to contact us!

Request catering



Bolles Köche - Pflanze Icon

Bolle Festsäle

Event rooms for special occasions!

The listed clinker brick building from the industrial era around 1890 of the former Carl Bolle dairy offers the ideal setting for all kinds of events. On a total area of ​​over 3,000 m² there are two ballrooms, three historic office rooms as well as the “milk bar” and a large roof terrace available. The adjacent AMERON Berlin ABION Spreebogen Waterside and CARL & SOPHIE Spree Restaurant, located in the same building, directly next to the River Spree offers comfortable overnight accommodation and restaurant possibilities within walking distance.


An institution with tradition

Milkman of the Bolle Meierei

Milkman of the Bolle Meierei

Meierei Carl Bolle

Meierei Carl Bolle

Milk bottles of Bolle Meierei

Milk bottles of Bolle Meierei

Milk trucks of the Bolle Meierei

Milk trucks of the Bolle Meierei

Bolle milk bottles

Bolle milk bottles

Meierei in old moabit

Meierei in old moabit


Bolle and Berlin since 1879: A perfect team

When Carl Bolle founded his Meierei – a milk retail company – in Berlin in 1879, the German Empire was ruled by Bismarck. Horse-drawn carts are still clattering through the metropolis and Berliners are just discovering their passion for roller skating. Peter Tchaikovsky finished his great opera “Eugene Onegin” in Russia, and the experimental avant-garde German painter Paul Klee was born in the Swiss canton of Ticino.

The joy of experimentation is also the hallmark of our art – the art of cooking. In contrast to our modern and internationally accented cooking repertoire, as Bolle’s chefs we offer a traditional and magnificent setting for your event: the Bolle Festsäle in Berlin’s Moabit district. They were inaugurated in 1893 by the last German Empress, Viktoria Auguste. Experience Berlin’s distinctive and urban event location with your guests in the company of our perfectly charming enjoyment and service offer.

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